Welcom to AllCook !
Posted by
jui 5, 2023
Recipe for 8 to 10 people
Cookie base
- 200 g dry cookie, crushed
- 40 g brown sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 120 g salted butter, melted
- 1 tbsp. heavy cream
- 90 g soft butter
- 90 g dark chocolate
- 40 g flour
- 20 g cocoa powder
- 25 g peanut chips
- 25 g chocolate chips
- 2 eggs
- 130 g brown sugar
- 100 g marshmallows
Cookie base
- In a bowl, crush the cookie with the sugar and cinnamon.
- Add the melted butter and cream and mix well.
- Add the melted butter and cream and mix well.
- Leave to set in the fridge while you prepare the brownie.
- In a bowl, melt the butter and chocolate in a bain Marie.
- Preheat oven to 180°.
- In a mixing bowl, beat the eggs and sugar with an electric mixer to form a ribbon (creamy, pale in color) for +/- 5 minutes, then set aside.
- Add the melted chocolate to the ribbon (J. egg-sugar), mixing gently with a spatula.
- Add the flour and cocoa through a sieve to the previous mixture, while continuing to mix gently, then add the chocolate chips and peanut butter.
- Pour the mixture into the cookie base.
- Place in the oven and bake for 25 minutes,
- Remove from the oven, add the marshmallows evenly and a few peanut butter chips and bake for a further 10 minutes, until the marshmallows have melted and turned golden-brown.
Remove from oven, cool and unmould.
Excellent tasting ! :)